How to keep seniors safe from slips and falls
Falls are the leading cause of injury among people 65 and older, and the risk of falls increases proportionately with age. As people get older, their bones get more fragile and a fall can lead to fractures which could take a long time to heal. Making sure that your senior is safe from the risk if falls is important.
Tips for senior fall prevention at home
1. Keep furniture to a minimum
Make sure that the space that your senior uses is not cluttered with furniture. Keep the layout simple so that they can move around easily. Try not to move the furniture around and if you do, ensure that the senior gets used to the new layout.
2. Keep the floors dry
Make sure that spills are wiped up immediately. Ensure that your elder is safely out of the way when the floor is being mopped or at the very least inform them when you are mopping to be careful.

Hear what our Sirina Family members have to say about their experiences of healing, care & recovery, with us.
“I would sincerely like to thank the doctors & nurses who took care of my father after his surgery. The commitment of the staff towards the patient is phenomenal. Thank you so much Sirina.”
– Raghav S, Chennai
“My experience with Sirina has been very good. I have been taking physiotherapy services from them for the past 2 months and I am very happy with the staff. Keep up the good services.”
– Hemanth, Chennai
Encourage Your Senior To Stay Young
We read a lot about how important it is to eat right, to exercise and maintain a healthy lifestyle as one ages. But, why is it that people always talk about exercising the body and not the mind? It is equally important to keep the brain active as onegrows older as this will not only help the elderly think and feel young but will also help keep age related mental issues at bay.
Neurocognitive disorder or dementia is a steady decline in mental ability in the elderly that can be severe enough to interfere with daily life. It can give rise to age related mental disorders like memory loss and Alzheimer’s.
Avoid Caregiver Stress – Get Palliative Care
Most families in India look after their own. As the illness of their loved one progress, they give up their life entirely and focus on the patient. This is a lofty ideal but very often, the terminally ill can be sick for a very long time and it can be painful and traumatic to watch.
The caregiver will have to deal with the fact that their loved one is dying as well as keep a brave front and look after them. This can take a toll on the caregiver. That is why palliative care is a great option. You don’t have to send away your loved one to a nursing home. You can look after them at home as long as you get some respite from the constant care giving and can take a break once in a while.
At Sirina Home Health Care Services, they offer quality in-home care to ensure comfort for the palliative patient. They continuously monitor the patient’s physical and mental health. They ensure that the patient has a peaceful and positive environment.
The care plan includes a full-fledged team of healthcare experts including doctors, nurses, technicians and counselors to handle different aspects of patient care. Their all round care is exemplary and brings solace to the patient and family. Find out more about their services or call +91 9025887777 to speak to them.
Laughter The Best Medicine
While my father was visiting me, he asked for the password to our Wi-Fi.
“It’s taped under the modem,” I told him.
After three failed attempts to log on, he asked,
“Am I spelling this right? T-A-P-E-D-U-N-D-E-R-T-H-E-M-O-D-E-M?”
Courtesy – Readers Digest