As age catches up, so do aches and pains. Seniors are often managing and living with chronic pain. It can be a temporary phase following an injury or surgery, or it can last for months and even for the rest of their lives. Living with constant pain is no walk in the park and a senior needs sympathy and support to help deal with it.

Seniors mistakenly think that chronic pain comes with age and they have to learnto live with it. They manage the best way they can even if it means giving up on the lifestyle that they were used to. But, chronic pain can be diagnosed and treatments and pain management methods can be used to deal with the pain and improve quality of life.

Causes of chronic pain

  • Physical injury like a fall or a fracture
  • Aftermath of a surgery
  • Aftermath of an illness
  • Health conditions like arthritis, cancer, shingles, circulatory problems
  • Muscular problems
  • Neurogenic pain
  • Psychogenic pain

Treating chronic pain

There are many ways to treat pain in seniors. Some of them include:-

  • Simple OTC medication to deal with slight pain
  • Pain management with anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Topical pain relief ointments
  • Pain patches
  • Physical therapy
  • RICE treatment (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation)
  • TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation)

Ways to help seniors cope with pain

Listen to them

Seniors are dealing with constant pain and some of them may complain incessantly. It may be annoying to the younger generation but you should lend them an ear. It shows that you care. It is also a way to monitor their pain levels.

Ask them how they feel

The question is enough to make a senior feel cared for. But some seniors hate complaining about their health, either because it makes them feel weak or they are just not the complaining sort. There are certain signs that may indicate that they are in pain.

  • Eyes that are squeezed shut tightly
  • Tears
  • Knitted eyebrows
  • Grimace
  • Moaning when moving about
  • Clenched fists
  • Keeping body stiff
  • Decrease in activities
  • Insomnia
  • Loss of appetite

If chronic pain in seniors is ignored, it may lead to other health conditions. If the pain is an indication of some illness, it may become too late before treatment is given. Chronic pain without relief can lead to depression, anxiety, insomnia, social withdrawal, lethargy and loss of appetite.

You should pay attention and make an appointment with a doctor immediately if:-

  • There is sudden increase in pain
  • If there is a new pain
  • If the current medication doesn’t seem to be working anymore
  • If there are any side effects from the medication
  • If the person is in severe distress

It is a sad fact that pains increase in seniors due to the rigours of aging as well as health conditions. But, the good news is that medicines, treatments, nursing and caregiving have improved considerably that your senior can be made comfortable and have a quality life as they grow old.